Meet April Rose

Here we have another fun employee interview and bio with April Rose.
April, OlyKraut’s PDX Market Lead, has been with OlyKraut for about 7 months now, and is enthusiastic about working for an awesome local business. April is a Sagittarius from New York where she first became interested in DIY food, sustainable agriculture, and permaculture. "I remember watching, and getting pumped on, a 'How to make Kimchi' video with my friend in 2008,” says April. She has lived in Portland since 2013 where she now holds down the OlyKraut booth at Pioneer Square Market, the Farmers market also know as “Portland’s Living Room.” When asked why do they call it that April responded, “Because it’s not just a place to shop but a place to hang out. It’s location in downtown Portland makes this market feels accessible, offers a diversity of people, and shows different sides of the city.” April loves this market because it is full of local food crafters offering unique products to the community. She loves to trade with other vendors, one of her favorites being Olympia Provisions Quality meats.
April’s favorite OlyKraut flavor is currently Spring Nettle Kraut. She’s all about it right now because of it’s “crazy amount of nutrition.” Her favorite recipe using OlyKraut is a power breakfast consisting of toast, half an avocado, sea salt, smoked salmon, topped it with Eastern European kraut. She also loves Spicy Garlic Kraut on eggs. If you want to meet April you can! April loves visitors at Pioneer Square Market, so stop by on Mondays and say hello. You may even want to hang out for a bit.