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Making Kombucha

What kind of sugar is best for my Water Kefir?

Refined White Sugar

Pure white, free of minerals

Makes a sweet water kefir


Organic Cane Juice Crystals

Less refined than white sugar

very low mineral content

Makes a sweet water kefir


Turbinado or Raw Sugar

Sugar that is spun to have most of the molasses removed

Slightly less refined than OCJC

medium mineral content

Makes a less sweet water kefir than white sugar or OCJC


Rapadura or Sucanat

Sugar cane juice that has been pressed and dried

high mineral content

Makes a stronger-flavored water kefir


Brown Sugar

White sugar with molasses added back

high mineral content

Makes a stronger-flavored water kefir


Coconut Palm Sugar

Sugar extracted and dried from coconut palm trees

very high mineral content

Too rich for water kefir and can damage water kefir grains

Use small amounts only in combination with cane sugar


Maple Sugar or Syrup

Made from the sap of the sugar maple tree

Too rich for water kefir and can damage water kefir grains

Use small amounts only in combination with cane sugar



Natural sugar from bees

high in mineral content

Raw honey has its own bacteria that can compete with water kefir grains

Some honey is contaminated with high fructose corn syrup

We DO NOT recommend using this for making water kefir



Very high mineral content

Used on its own, molasses can be damaging to water kefir grains

We recommend using only ½ tsp. as mineral supplementation per batch, as needed



Agave, Stevia, Monk Fruit, Splenda

Unfortunately, these substitutes do not provide the food necessary for water kefir grains

We DO NOT recommend using these for making water kefir