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Pasta with Mint Pesto, Shrimp, and OlyKraut

Pasta with Mint Pesto, Shrimp, and OlyKraut


Pesto is a great use of fresh herbs from your garden or the herbs bought in large handfuls at your local farmers market this time of year! This one is all about mint. 


Mint Pesto

1 large bunch of mint (about 2.5 cups packed) 
1 lemon juiced 
2 garlic clove 
1/2 cup olive oil 
1/4 cup raw walnuts or pine nuts 

Other Ingredients 

12 oz Rigatoni Pasta (or pasta of choice) 
1/2 cup original OlyKraut
16 oz deveined shrimp (or other protein of choice)
3/4 cup grated Parmesan (optional) 


Boil pasta as directed on package. In a food processor mix all pesto ingredients until smooth or desired texture and set aside. In separate sauce bring 3 cups of water to a boil. Once at a boil add shrimp for two minutes or till tender. 

Once pasta is cooked and drained stir in the mint pesto. Plate and top with shrimp, Orginal OlyKraut, and cheese (if desired). Add salt and pepper to taste keeping in mind the sauerkraut will add some salt and flavor so likely will need less than usual. 

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