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Click here to continue shopping. takes on Probiotic Supplements takes on Probiotic Supplements

Have you heard of We hadn’t, until this review about probiotic supplements came across our desk. We are impressed with the research that went into presenting and recommending the best picks for probiotic supplements. The recommendation they make for supplements are solid and while OlyKraut, or any other functional fermented food, is not on their recommended ‘buy’ list (since they are not a supplement), raw fermented foods meet, and usually exceed, all the requirements of a good probiotic supplement, which they acknowledge at the end of their analysis. 

Here are the criteria they used to narrow down their list of recommended supplements. 

  1. Must contain at least 1 billion CFUs per serving.
  2. Have more than one strain of bacteria.
  3. Even better have an ideal combination of bacteria strains for a variety of health benefits (that’s right, different strains are connected with different benefits!)
  4. Come with guarantees that the bacteria will still be alive when you consume it.

We think the above is an awesome list of things to consider when you are buying a probiotic supplement. So, if a supplement is what you are looking for to repair a severe imbalance or just because you haven’t developed a taste for functional fermented foods yet, consider using these criteria to narrow it down. 

If getting your daily probiotics by eating delicious food is your prefered method, rest assured, not only has OlyKraut been lab tested to have 11.3 billion CFU’s per serving, it also comes with the fuel, or prebiotics, that those beneficial bacteria need to survive and colonize your gut.  When we consume our probiotics in food, they are coming in as nature designed, and with their own supplies, so it’s easier for the microbes to set up shop and stick around.  It’s generally found that food based probiotics are more assimilable and stay longer in the human gut than most supplements, but that doesn’t mean that supplements are not beneficial.  There is a time and a place for everything and this review will help you to make good choices when the time is right for supplements.  :)  


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