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Lentil and Mushroom Stew with OlyKraut

Lentil and Mushroom Stew with OlyKraut


This hearty stew is a perfect wintertime meal. With OlyKraut you are also boosting your immune system giving you that extra protection for the office cold we all trying to avoid.

1 cup brown lentils
2 cups crushed tomatoes
2-3 bay leaves
½ tsp. caraway seed
2-3 leaves of savoy cabbage
1 stalk of celery
1 carrot
1 small leek
10 to 12 cremini mushrooms
4-6 shiitake mushrooms
2 to 3 tablespoons olive oil
2 cups Original or Eastern European kraut

Shred or finely chop the carrot and cabbage. Put them in a large soup pot along with 4 cups of water, lentils, tomatoes, and seasonings. Place over medium heat.
Dice the celery and leek and sauté, adding diced mushrooms after a few minutes. Let the mushrooms cook down, then add the sautéed vegetables to the soup pot, reduce to a simmer, cover with a lid and cook for 30-45 minutes. Serve into bowls and allow to cool slightly, and add ¼ cup of Original or Eastern European kraut to each bowl.

Serves about four people.



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