Spring Nettle

The days are stretching, the air is sweetening, and the sounds of birds in the distance are ensuring that spring fever is taking hold!
Here at OlyKraut, that means we are scoping out the favorite nettle patches and watching as young nettle shoots are just pushing their way to the surface. In just a few weeks we'll be putting on our gloves and long sleeve shirts to harvest these plants to make one of our seasonal krauts, Spring Nettle. We pick the nettles in the spring while they are still delicate and young before they become full-grown and start making their seeds. They are more delicious and better for us as young plants, and it's such a great excuse to get out into the woods this time of year.
Why are we so obsessed with nettles? Well, they are high in iron, potassium, manganese, calcium, and vitamins A and C. They are also a great source of protein! The plant also has a rich history of being used to treat painful muscles and joints, arthritis, eczema, insect bites, and allergies. While modern science is just starting to research the effectiveness of nettles, some studies have shown modest results of reducing inflammation, allergies, and urinary issues. What the studies and analysis have confirmed is this little plant packs a powerful punch of minerals and vitamins.
This wild and nutritious delicacy will not be going to waste this spring with OlyKraut around. We'll be out in force gathering wild nettles by hand to craft one of our favorite seasonal treats. Spring Nettle OlyKraut is usually available on shelves and farmers markets early June, get excited. We are!
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4708629/ Photo Credit: